Woodlands Family - Staff
Hello, I am the Headteacher
Jules Taylor
As the head teacher, my goal is to ensure that every student has a positive and enriching experience of education. I am committed to promoting the wellbeing of all our students, staff and the community, ensuring a positive learning environment and academic excellence. I set educational goals, develop and implement school policies and ensure that the school meets its aims and targets. Working closely with staff, parents and the wider community to foster a culture of mutual respect and high professional standards.
Hi, my name is Alice Arnold
Deputy Headteacher for Culture and Belonging.
My role here at Woodlands is to ensure we all feel happy and safe, part of the Woodlands family and are able to conduct ourselves in safe and respectful ways. The way we interact with and communicate with others can have a big impact on how welcomed and valued we all feel - here at Woodlands we are developing the core values and attitudes that will see our young people being successful in all walks of life. This is the Woodlands Way.
Hi, I’m Cat Jones
Deputy Headteacher
At Woodlands School. It is a real privilege to be Deputy headteacher at Woodlands, sharing every day with such amazing staff and young people who are a constant inspiration.
My main responsibilities are:
- Teaching and Learning
- Assessment
- Curriculum Design
- Timetabling and calendars
- Staff CPD and development
- Reporting
I work very closely with Jules Taylor, the headteacher, as well as the rest of the senior leadership team and the directors.
Hi, I’m Syrene Dixon,
Assistant Headteacher - Teaching & Learning
Director of Mathematics and Numeracy.
At Woodlands, we support and guide our students on their mathematical journey towards achieving or exceeding their potential.
- Maths is for everyone.
- It is diverse, engaging and essential in equipping students with the right skills to reach their future destination.
- Mathematics helps strengthen reasoning skills and critical thinking.
- It helps us think analytically about the world and reason logically.
- Students will also have opportunities to use ICT to enhance and improve their own learning and performance.
Hello, I'm Maddie Newman
Assistant Headteacher - Primary
I teach students in the 3-11 age range in all aspects of the statutory and agreed curriculum. In my role, I lead interventions to narrow the achievement gap and ensure all children make good progress. I work with the leadership team to ensure that the school offers a high-quality, engaging and well-rounded education for all.
Acorns 1
Hi, I’m Debbie Garner,
Speech, Language and Communication Lead Practitioner/Acorns 1 Form Tutor
I am the principal ELKLAN specialist at Woodlands and lead on a provision that fully supports pupils’ SLC needs, as part of the universal offer in every classroom and learning space.
You will find me in Acorns 1 where I teach and support the Lower School pupils. I ensure primary students are academically and personally supported, whilst feeling safe and valued within our school community.
Acorns 1
Hi, I'm Sarah McLaughlin
Director of SEND
You will find me in Acorns 1 and in Primary, leading in effective teaching and learning, supporting teachers in identifying and removing pupil's barriers to learning. I deliver one-to-one or small group specialist SEND teaching to support our students here at Woodlands.
Acorns 2
Acorns 2
Hello, I'm Ceri Broomhall
Acorns 2 Form Tutor
You will find me in Acorns 2. I'm the Form Tutor. I create a positive learning environment and develop schemes of work and lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives. I'm always here to help and support our learners and work closely with staff to give them the best start possible.
Acorns 2
Hi, I’m Helen Dykes
Learning, Development and Aspirations Mentor
I assist in supporting the education and independence of students to ensure they can access the high quality of teaching that is on offer at Woodlands.
I ensure students can access learning by removing barriers to learning, developing trusting and dependable relationships between students and staff.
Hello, I'm Wendy Pulford
Nest Form Tutor
You will find me in the Bungalow, where we provide a pupil-centred, nurturing and flexible environment. We give our students the extra support they need to meet their full potential.
Through the Nest, our children's learning is understood developmentally through offering a safe classroom base. The importance of the nurture provision is for the development of students' wellbeing. We implement and deliver an appropriately broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum for students to be able to access. Taking the time to look at language as it is a vital means of communication, all behaviour is communication and the importance of transition in children's lives.
Hi, I'm Neil Dobie
Nest Form Tutor
You will find me in the Bungalow, contributing to meeting the needs of the students in the Bungalow using nurturing approaches to address the barriers to fulfilling their potential. We think creatively about the development of the provision, recognising the need to develop social skills through nurture as well as those of reading and writing.
We equip students with skills to reintegrate successfully into the main school upon leaving us in the Bungalow, being secure and confident to continue with their education.
Hi, I'm Maddie Evans
Shore Form Tutor
I support our older primary students on their transition to middle school. This can be in
- Developing effective study habits - organising skills, planning, even using apps.
- Encouraging active engagement - summarising key points, re-doing practice problems or quizzing.
- Encouraging activity in extracurricular activities - clubs, sports - can help students make new friends, gain confidence and develop essential skills.
- Providing reassurance and emotional support - helping students cope with the changes associated with moving from Primary to Middle School.
Hi, I'm Magz Watkins
Learning, Development and Aspirations Mentor
Unqualified Teacher
I am privileged to spend my time helping and supporting the children during their lessons and throughout the school day. I am always available to give.
- Time to co-regulate.
- Or to go for a walk
- Play football/basketball!
- Or just to chat.
I teach Project Media lessons with our Middle School to use their creativity and ideas to create some media projects throughout the school.
Hi, I'm Andrew Scholes
Learning, Development and Aspirations Mentor.
I am privileged to help shape the future of our amazing young people. You will find me involved with
- Maths
- Art
- Construction
- Horticulture
You can often find me in the garden, come and see and be involved with the exciting variety of things we grow.
Saplings 2
Saplings 2
Hello, I am Ben Cameron,
Teacher of P. E, Sports Leader Award and Computing
Here at Woodlands, we educate and guide students in physical fitness, sports and overall well-being.
Sports Leadership
A prestigious recognition for those students who demonstrate exceptional leadership skills in sports and physical activity.
Through computing we shape students' understanding of technology and computer science. Students explore programming language, algorithms, data structures and other fundamental concepts.
Saplings 2
Hi, I'm Hannah Shepherd
I support teachers in planning, preparing and delivering activities with individual students and groups. My areas of interest are
KS3: History
- Starting with the history of Britain through creative arts and experience days. Following through to the civil rights movement in America and the Wild West.
KS3: Geography
- Focusing on conservation to better the world's future for our children’s generation.
- Looking at world religions which align with our British values and living in a multicultural society.
Saplings 2
Hi, I'm Katie Jones
Learning Development and Aspiration Mentor
I provide support, motivation and guidance to help students achieve their academic and personal goals. I help students to develop their Maths and English knowledge skills and build resilience and sustain concentration on a task.
Saplings 3
Saplings 3
Hi, my name is Matt Williams, I am the
Director of Science
My background is in Physical Education & Sport Science. I am passionate about sport and improving young people’s lives.
KS3 Science
- Biology, Physics and Chemistry lessons.
- Demonstrate safe practical skills and methods in science.
- Provide engaging learning opportunities both in school and the community.
KS4 GCSE Biology and Entry Level Science
- Deliver science at an accredited level suitable for pupils.
- Provide enhanced opportunities to work practically in a scientific environment.
- Encourage a life-long interest in science and the world around us.
Saplings 3
Hi, I'm Archie Longville
Safeguarding and Support Mentor
I support students to achieve their targets as well as support them emotionally. I establish and develop an effective mentoring relationship and monitor progress in achieving agreed goals as defined in their action plans.
I work collaboratively as part of the team of support mentors within the school contributing to the identification and the sharing of good practice to enhance the mentoring provision at Woodlands.
Saplings 3
Hello, I am Suzanne Hollinshead
Learning Development and Aspiration Mentor
You will find me assisting in Food Tech, where we make lots of wonderful, tasty dishes. We learn.
- Practical skills – measuring, timing, sensory (taste, aroma, texture, flavour), presentation and food styling.
- Knife skills – bridge hold, claw grip, peeling, slicing, dicing, cutting fruits and vegetables.
- Use of the cooker.
- Use of equipment
- So much more e.g. sauces, setting, doughs etc.
- If you are hungry in the morning, you will find me by the toaster. Come and get something to eat before you start your day.
Oaks 1
Oaks 1
Hi, I'm Alison Hinton
Director of Curriculum Enrichment and
Teacher of Art and Design.
My job involves supporting pupils’ personal development through enrichment activities both inside and outside of school. These include half-term Discovery Days, Friday afternoon Experience Time, educational visits and reward trips.
The aim of Enrichment at Woodlands School is to
- Help pupils develop their interests and talents.
- Enable pupils to develop their character, including resilience, confidence and independence.
- Teach pupils how to keep physically and mentally healthy.
- Prepare pupils for future success.
- Equip pupils to be responsible, respectful and active citizens.
As well as being a Teacher of Art, I also enjoy celebrating the success of our pupils by displaying photographs and examples of amazing work on our Wonder Walls around school.
Oaks 1
Hello, I am Debbie Jones,
Teacher of KS3 Food and Nutrition and
KS4 Hospitality & Catering.
KS3: Food and Nutrition:
- Understand the principles of Health, Safety & Hygiene.
- Be able to feed themselves and others a healthy, varied diet.
- Demonstrate safe practical skills and methods.
- Sustainability, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients – working with the Woodlands Trust School’s Green Tree Award.
KS4: Hospitality & Catering:
- Food Safety in the workplace.
- Planning, time management and communication.
- Planning nutritious menus.
- Employment and further study.
Oaks 1
Hi, I'm Lydia Shipley
Therapeutic Play Practitioner
Hello, my name is Lydia and I work as part of the intervention team here in Woodlands. I work as a Therapeutic Play Practitioner, and currently I am finishing my training as a Play Therapist.
You'll find me in the therapeutic room, the zone or nest.
I help children think more about their emotions so they can learn to become independent about how they manage their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I will do this through therapy sessions or ELSA.
You can come and find me for a chat anytime if you have a worry or want to let off some steam.
Oaks 2
Oaks 2
Hi, I’m Elly Downing,
Director of Post-16 Transition & CEIAG/
Director of Personal Development
Personal Development in Woodlands includes, but is not limited to:
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
- Careers and Post-16 Transition
- Work experience
- Preparing for Adulthood
Oaks 2
Hi, I am Andy Rogers,
Motor Vehicle and Construction Studies Instructor
Supporting learning through practical activities to industry standards. Students work to set standards to achieve SEG Awards in Motor Vehicle and BTEC qualifications in Construction.
Motor Vehicle:
Units – Health and Safety within the working environment, Engine, Cooling System, Breaking, Suspension System.
Units – brick laying, plumbing, electrical, decorating.
Hi, I’m Leah Vigon,
Transition and Integration Lead Practitioner
My position at Woodlands is working with the children who transition into our school community.
My aim is to ensure that every child has a positive and supportive welcome. I enjoy getting to know the children and helping them settle into the school environment, ensuring that they feel ready and confident to start their journey here at Woodlands.
Hi, I'm Catherine Robinson
Learning Development and Aspiration Mentor
I work closely with teachers and staff to identify the needs of learners who require help and plan how to support our students. As a mentor, I help students to develop coping strategies, enhance their motivation, raise their aspirations and re-engage in learning. I'm dedicated to helping our students overcome barriers to learning and achieve their full potential.
I work closely with students, providing one-to-one and sometimes small group support.
Education Intervention
Hello, I am Gareth Lewis,
Outdoor Education and Lower School PE Instructor
Outdoor Education - Forest School
Hand Tool and Fire Lighting
Knots and Shelter Building
Woodland Craft and Protective Equipment
Physical Education
Swimming, Football
Trampolining and Basketball
Tennis and Badminton
Gymnastics and Dodgeball
Cricket and Athletics
Risk Reduction
Hi, I am Joe Robinson,
Risk Reduction Lead Practitioner
I am the lead on developing risk reduction timetables for students who need extra support to maintain their sense of belonging and studies. This enables students to know they are still part of the Woodlands community.
The important part is for me to be the link between the student and their learning, so they stay focused.
Also, a contact point for parents/carers and continuity and understanding at each stage to ensure each student reaches their full potential.
Hi, I am Joanne Wildman
Director of Safeguarding
I am responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all of our students here at Woodlands. I oversee the development and implementation of our safeguarding policies and procedures, ensuring they are in line with national guidelines and best practices. I work closely with staff, parents, and external agencies to promote a proactive safeguarding culture within the school and provide training and support to staff to ensure everyone understands their role in safeguarding our students. My ultimate goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where every student can thrive.
Hi, I'm Paul Ruby-Wilson
Director of Attendance
I'm the main contact for anything regarding attendance at Woodlands school and the lead for initiatives to improve school attendance.
I work closely with parents, carers and staff to reduce levels of absence and my ultimate goal is to foster an environment where every student can fully participate in their education.
School Office Staff
Hello, I'm Lisa Dugmore
Business Manager
I'm responsible for managing the strategy and operation of the business functions. That means I oversee financial management, health and safety, premises, human resources, compliance and administration.
Day-to-day, I advise on and implement the support that enables the school to operate effectively and efficiently. Ensure financial decisions are clearly linked to the school's strategic goals and implement school-wide changes and allocate resources in line with the school improvement plan.
Hi, I’m Heather Erzincanoglu,
Administration Assistant.
At Woodlands, I’m the friendly face you see at reception waiting to greet you in the morning or afternoon. I support with
- Answering and directing phone calls.
- Managing calendars and scheduling appointments.
- Creating and organising filing systems.
- Processing and tracking orders.
- Organising and managing taxis.
- Support for medication needs.
Hi, I'm Paula Lewis
Reception Administrator
I greet and welcome students, staff and visitors to our Woodlands Community. I am one of the team who answers the phone and answers your questions or directs you to the right person.
I support with administration and attendance. If you have any questions, please ask. I am always happy to help.
Hi, I'm Rachel Bates
Community and Communications Lead Practitioner
SEND Administrator
I work closely with staff, parents and students to promote our schools/students' achievements and bring our wider community together to ensure that every student can thrive.
I'm the SEND Administrator and liaise with parents, teachers, students and professionals for a range of different purposes. I'm a point of contact for parents and professionals and provide overall administration support to the school for SEND, Looked After Children (LAC) and Consultations.
Hi, I'm Brian Clay
I'm responsible for the maintenance, cleanliness and security of our school premises. I manage access to the school and plan site use and development.
I set out the priorities for maintenance and repair and champion health and safety around the school. As part of being a caretaker, I supervise external contractors and ensure our school is a safe, clean and welcoming environment for all students, staff and visitors. I am the main keyholder and first point of contact in an emergency.